• The size and complexity of large software development projects are increasing. As a result, the challenges for project management, communication, work coordination, and knowledge management become more complex. Large-Scale Software Development projects also often involve multiple teams and multiple locations. In addition, large projects involve a large number of people who must be familiar with each other's work and the product they are developing. This creates additional coordination challenges, and it is important to implement new techniques to support the coordination of these processes.

    Developing large-scale software requires dedicated teams. Complex tasks often snowball as the team becomes larger. This complexity requires the use of plan-driven project management principles to keep the team organized. This means that it is critical to break up complex tasks into manageable chunks and assign them to various people.

    The growth process can result in bottlenecks that reduce productivity in the development team. As a result, developers should be specialized in a particular product, feature, or platform. This specialization will result in faster development. Dedicated teams also benefit from a balanced team and flexible work environment.

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